If you've ever wondered how to teach your dog to communicate with you using talking buttons, you're in the right place! Pharaby, my service dog, began using Augmentative Inter-species Communication (AIC) buttons in April 2020, and it’s been an incredible journey ever since.
Over the past 5 years, I've documented all my best practices and resources to help others teach their dogs to communicate in this way. Whether you’re just curious about the process or ready to dive in, I’ve helped hundreds of dog owners get started, and I’d love to help you too!
One of the biggest benefits we’ve experienced is a huge reduction in demand barking. Pharaby used to be a demand barker, but with AIC buttons, she’s found a more effective way to express herself. It’s been a game-changer for both of us!
What’s even more fascinating is how much Pharaby has to say. She loves to talk about the weather, animals outside, and even make plans for later in the day. Recently, the buttons helped us through an injury—she was able to let me know exactly what was bothering her. And for a little humor, she’s decided that her toy cat “Dinah” is basically a curse word, which she uses when she’s frustrated. It’s the funniest thing!
Teaching your dog to use AIC buttons isn’t just a fun activity; it’s a way to strengthen your bond, understand your dog’s needs, and open up a whole new world of communication. If you’re ready to get started, check out all the resources I’ve compiled on my AIC resources page! I can’t wait to see how your dog begins to “talk”!